
Hello International HOTTEST around the world.

2PMedia is dedicated to our lovely men, 2PM, and you guys! It is a source of translations of the Korean media about 2PM for international HOTTEST who cannot easily access. The language barrier can be very inconvenient to be consistently updated with 2PM. Therefore, you don't have to wait for other biased sites to translate for your needs! 

As you explore through the site, you will notice that 2PMedia offers a variety of translations. 

2PMedia mainly focuses on the netizen comments. The translated Korean netizen comments are mostly from the top comments. If most of the top comments aren't focusing on 2PM, then 2PMedia will not translate those comments. A lot of the users that comment on 2PM articles are Korean HOTTESTs. Therefore, keep in mind that the comments are merely biased opinions, and that they cannot be credible for the general public. We will try our best to identify and translate users who are not fans. Majority, if not all, of the negative comments are from troll users. You'll basically find these troll users everywhere (literally EVERYWHERE), regardless if it their comment(s) are based on the content of the source. For the sake of misunderstandings, fanwars, etc. those comments will not be translated. However, if the negative comments are from the general public, then 2PMedia will consider translating it.

2PMedia also offer special features. The only features available for now are articles, interviews, and SNS. The articles will most likely be translated along with the netizen comments. The translated articles will not be a full translation but a summary. Interview translations won't be consistent until 2PMedia expands in translators; therefore, interviews will not always be translated if it's requested. If you want to request an interview, it is highly recommended to send the actual interview. SNS will be more consistent compared to interviews. SNS can include Instiz, Pann, and other social media. The translations may be uploaded along with netizen comments. Hopefully 2PMedia will offer more features as it grows bigger.

2PMedia highly encourages you to submit requests for quicker updates. 2PMedia will not be translating old articles, netizen comments, etc. 

For any questions, feedback etc. feel free to contact us at twopmedia@gmail.com or via Twitter

Follow 2PMedia on Twitter to get updates efficiently at twitter.com/2pmedia_

2PMedia is currently recruiting translators who are fluent in both Korean and English. Please send can email to twopmedia@gmail.com. 

Thank You!