'Three Meals' Mingki - Saphie Update
Three Meals Mingki - Saphie, Shocking Update 'Full of Ticks'
Source: World Daily via NATE
There was a shocking recent update of the two loved dogs, Mingki and Spahie from tvN 'Three Meals.'
Recently there were pictures posted on the 'Three Meals' viewer notice board titled, 'Mingki and Spahie Update.' The pictures had a shocking appearance of Mingki and Saphie.
They appeared to be not cared at all. It stated, "The lovely Mingki was not present. The fur was tangled. The dog appeared weak."
'A' who uploaded the notice revealed, "Granny sold Mingki for 10,000 won." He also included, "Saphie is full of ticks. Compared to the other dogs, it looked depressed."
Continuing, he also asked for support. 'A' stated, "It is recommended to send donations of goods and medication.... This isn't to attract sympathy, but to seek help and affection."
[+2,912 -66] When Ok Taecyeon said that he'll take care of Mingki, but you said you can't give her up. Now you sold her for 10,000won?;; ã…¡ã…¡ Granny..
[+14 -5] Mingki is pitiful. Ok Taecyeon should had adopted her! After being sold, she could had felt homesick and lonely.
[+20 -3] When Taecyeon said that he'll take her, granny should had let her go...ㅜㅜ Ugh that granny..ㅡㅡ ....
[+31 -1] Taecyeon really adored Mingki..ã… He wanted to take Mingki, but instead he was able to take Eddie. To hear that her whereabouts are unknown.. This is really heartbreakingã…
[+39 -1] Granny should had given Mingki to Ok Taecyeon. How disappointing. On an interview, PD Na said granny will take care of her
[+25 -2] OkTaec~!! Look for Mingki!! I'm curiousㅜㅜ
[+41 -2] This would not have happened if granny gave Ok Taecyeon her consent when he wanted to take Mingki. This is too much.
[+18 -5] Ok Taecyeon is raising Eddie right? But why is Saphie in that condition? ;;; Granny didn't want to give Taecyeon Mingki, so she just sold her 10,000 won .... It would had been better if she just sold to Taecyeon.... She could also gotten more than 10,000 won ... How unfortunate..;;; These dogs had popularity and recognition, so their salary was probably incredible... With all that recognition, Mingki could had been stolen ..... Only getting 10,000 won..;;; And journalist, don't publish the article saying the fault is at the staff ... What sin did the staff commit.. They're no dogs
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