Tearful Kim Sohyun and calming Ok Taecyeon
Source: tvcast via NAVER
[+184 -2] Ah.. Moved to the point it gives a heart attack when Ok Taecyeon hugged her and told her everything was alrightã…
[+141 -2] He treats her so well.... then why did he set her up!!!!!
[+103 -0] I also want to hug Bongpal's chest that is wide as the Pacific Oceanã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã…
[+75 -1] I'm too touched to sleep nowã… How is Bongpal so cool
[+70 -0] Bongpal is cool................ㅜㅜ
[+62 -0] Isn't Ok Taecyeon just too handsome. Shocked, this was totally the best scene
[+52 -2] I wish Bongpal and Hyunji get more screen time. I'm looking forward to it after watching the preview for tomorrow
[+40 -0] You can really see Taecyeon's sweetness at his calming. Heart throb, heart throb!!
[+39 -1] There goes my sleep because of Bongpal. I died from being so touched
[Explods with coolness] PalJi couple's body and beauty hard at work! feat. Ok Taecyeon's blunt jealousy
Source: tvcast via NAVER
[+157 -0] They're cool... Meanwhile, those brothers that alway arrive lateã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
[+127 -1] They're good at fightingã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
[+87 -0] Bongpal... suits... He's killing it ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã… ã…
[+82 -1] Totally cool~^^
[+80 -1] Seriously their chemistry♡♡♡♡ Their kicks are cool too
[+65 -0] ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ I think he'll buy her sneakers next time
[+57 -0] Bongpal's physicals ã… ã… Ah, what a heart throb
Ok Taecyeon's confession toward to disappeared Kim Sohyun! "Don't vanish"
Source: tvcast via NAVER
[+288 -4] Heart attack♥
[+257 -9] Wow. Damn handsome and pretty
[+256 -4] I think she went to her body and came back ã… ã… ã… ã… Wow. Heart attack..♡
[+229 -7] If only Hyunji comes back alive, and the two cared for eachother in the land of hapiness...ã… ã… Heart break
[+220 -6] I wish things work out well with Hyunji and Bongpal☆
[+190 -6] OMG. Heart attack
[+177 -3] T... Touching. OMG ã…‹
[+169 -3] Oh my heart;
[+86 -2] Ah.... I'm completely moved, so I can't sleep....
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